Upcoming Events: Virtual Coaching, Constellations, Collaborations, and more!

NOVA Scribes’ spring season is in full swing!

NOVA Scribes’ spring season is in full swing!

I’m highlighting upcoming events for you to brush up on your visual facilitation! The NOVA Scribes spring season of workshops and social events is in full swing! Here’s a quick run down of all our upcoming events.

Event - Presenter - Date & Time - Fee - Meetup Link

TONIGHT! How to have an 8-hour Collaborative Meeting in 30 Minutes - Mike Brown, Brainzooming - 4/27/2021 5:30 PM - Free - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/277400847/

Graphic Jam and Toast - Angela Krieg - 5/6/2021 7:00 PM - Free - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/277443549/

Procreate Protips with Malgosia Kostecka - Malgosia Kostecka - 5/11/2021 8:30 PM - $10.00 - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/277468065/

Let's Lunch Virtually - Rachel Thompson - 5/14/2021 12:00 PM - Free - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/277736198/

How to Add In Effective Online Networking - Lee Gimpel - 5/18/2021 5:30 PM - $20.00 - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/277474183/

Visual Systemic Constellations with Christina Merkley - Christina Merkely - 5/20/2021 5:00 PM - $10.00 - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/277532097/

Visual Coaching with Nevada Lane: Using Visual Thinking to Grow Your Leadership - Nevada Lane - 5/25/2021 6:00 PM - $10.00 - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/277820441/

Facilitating with Visuals - Course Launch Party - Lauren Green - 6/1/2021 5:00 PM - Free - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/277668395/

And coming soon, urban sketching, graphic recording together, and indigenous art! It’s a good time to be a NOVA Scribe!


What’s NOVA Scribes?

It’s a free and open forum for virtual facilitators and visual practitioners to share their knowledge.

I’m proud to have been an organizer of the Meetup group NOVA Scribes since its launch in January 2016. Since then, NOVA Scribes has grown to nearly 900 members! We originally started in the northern Virginia area (NOVA, get it?), but our open membership has expanded to include members from all over the world. We were recently recognized by Meetup as one of Meetup’s top event groups.

  • We are a community of practice of anyone who uses visuals to move others: visual facilitators, graphic recorders, scribes, sketchnoters, video scribers, UX designers, and visual consultants. 

  • We're all volunteers.

  • We have organized classes, graphic jams, open spaces, and webinars to share skills and learn from each other.

  • We record our webinars and post them for anyone to watch later, whether you are a member or not. It’s all about growing the knowledge of the field.

  • Anyone who wants to can be an organizer or presenter. If you're interested in presenting a topic, please let me know! The proceeds from the events go to the presenters, towards scholarships, and to help build the community of visual practitioners.

It’s free to be a NOVA Scribes member. When we charge for events, the proceeds go to the presenters and into our community as scholarships towards training and events like IFVP.

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