Starter: Morning Percolations

Morning Percolations comes from Elise Yanker of Collaborative Consulting Inc. It's a great framing activity that gives participants time and space to empty their mental backpacks and be fully present and engaged for the day.  

Morning Percolations typically begin the morning of the second day of a multi-day event and repeat every following morning. You might begin by saying, "We had some good conversations yesterday. Last night and this morning, you may have been thinking about what we talked about. Let's begin today with an open conversation. Please share anything that's on your mind relevant to what you heard yesterday. What's percolating up for you?"

Morning Percolations only need a timebox (typically 30 - 45 minutes) and good open-ended questions. Resist the urge to answer questions or resolve doubts or concerns. Encourage participants to likewise simply listen to each other. 

You don't have to graphic record Morning Percolations, but it adds to the experience by acknowledging what participants share. Use a loose layout, like a word cloud, that supports the free-form nature of the conversation.  

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